Stroll through my cheerful gardens of flowers and sweet baby Charlie.

Gardens can be made up of anything you tend to or focus on.

As you may know, I do love flowers so I’d like to share some of my favorites. Believe me, it was hard to choose which ones to include!

For me, flowers AND family are top priority and give so much joy.

So, come walk with me and fill up on vivacious vinca, luscious lilies, and sweet little cheeks and smiles.  🙂

After you’ve seen all the gardens, leave me a message with your favorite!

Get ready. You will now be entering my gardens of joy…

Cheerful gardens of flowers galore

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Cheerful gardens of irresistible iris

Iris bloom in many different colors and color combinations. Because of this, they’re the favorite spring-bloomers of countless people.

The following specimens are from my yard and ones that I’ve spotted on my daily adventures (walks).   😉

Two-toned perfect purple

Yellow Iris

Yellow iris basking in the summer sun

Lovely two-toned iris

Striking purple and white

A cool lavender specimen; one of my very favs

My mini iris

Stretching in the afternoon sun

Subtle beauty

Cheerful gardens of vivid vinca and tantalizing tulips

Tulips, in my humble opinion, are elegant because of their simplicity. Thus, they dispense a breath of fresh air in early spring.

Vinca, on the other hand, offers bright blooms all summer long and is SO EASY to grow. Now, that’s my kind of flower!

Mother’s Day tulips

Vinca are “brown-thumb” friendly 

Cheerful garden flower

I love my little bunny

I’m always on the look-out for beauty

Variety gardens of flowers

(Click on the first picture to see all up close)

Beautiful flowers thrill me! Here, I’ve shared many varieties special to me.

As you cruise through your day (and life), stop and smell, or at least notice, the flowers!

Cheerful gardens of luscious lilies

It’d be hard to overpraise lilies. Like iris, they vary so much in color, but also in design.

I think they are simply stunning; however, luscious lilies don’t last long enough!  🙁

A sunshiny-yellow lily

Even though it’s pale, it’s still alluring.

Content in the morning sun 

My special stargazers

Watered and ready for the day


The grasshopper likes my lily, too

A color-trio of lilies

Surprise lilies, Belladonnas, or Naked ladies

Beautiful morning!

Now on to the best part of my cheerful “garden”… sweet baby Charlie!!!

Little Charlie Cooper was born in March, so he’s close to 5 months already!

Chelsea and Jacob have bestowed upon me the honor and pleasure of caring for him 3 days a week. His cheeks are getting bigger and bigger and his smiles sweeter and sweeter.  😉

Isn’t it a miracle that they grow and change right in front of your eyes, but you can’t see it??

Getting to pour into his life is my biggest joy and responsibility. 

I am blessed!! 

Baby Charlie

Photoshoot in our backyard

Charlie’s sweet angelic face as he looks at his grandpa 

Sweet baby Charlie
Sweet baby Charlie
Sweet baby Charlie
Sweet baby Charlie

There’s nothing like taking a nap out on the deck while Grandpa stands guard.

The many faces of Charlie-bear!

Sweet baby Charlie

Yes, we’ve joined the grandparents’ club…and we love it!!

I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted a new blog, and it probably won’t be real soon for the next one.  However, know that I think about you often and miss sharing the joys I see in daily life.

In this CRAZY time that we’re living in, I definitely felt it was time to spread some joy! I hope you found some in my cheerful gardens of flowers and sweet baby Charlie like I did while putting it together.  🙂 What was YOUR favorite part? Leave a comment below!

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me–put it into practice. ~ Phil 4:8

One more shot of my stargazers! 

Joy is contagious…share it!  🙂

Blessings and blooms, 


Author: Pam

Glad you’re here!